Monday, April 25, 2016

Chain Reactions-the best tinkering activity!

I think Rube Goldberg (or chain reaction) builds capture the essence of everything we're trying to do in the Learning Lab.  This open-ended activity allows children to easily work through the engineering process.  We had students think about a design ahead of time, troubleshoot, and then explain how their machine worked.  This activity, more than any activity we have ever done, had students continuously tinkering and troubleshooting until they got their design right. I could see some of them improving in their ability to focus and stick with a challenging project before my eyes in one afternoon.

I had thought that we needed an elaborate set of materials for this build, but in the end what you see below is all we really needed--blocks, marbles, dominoes, paper towel tubes, tape craft sticks, of all...pieces of a staff member's old plastic race track.

Chain reaction builds also provide for a varied range of skills and work well for an after-school program. For some children, just mastering the concept that a ball rolls downhill when when one end of the ramp is higher than the other was a learning moment. For other children, figuring out how to have their ball change direction provided just the right amount of challenge.

We made short videos of their machines and had them explain how they worked. The video proved to be quite popular and kept the students constantly improving and getting things to work just right.

I think we could offer chain reaction builds frequently. Our Pinterest Board has lots of ideas.

Monday, April 18, 2016

Making things go: Mousetrap Cars and Balloon Cars

This summer we offered a Family Maker Day afternoon where families could explore the concepts of simple machines by making cars.  It was a great way to explore wheels & axles, levers, inclined planes, and the concept of mechanical advantage.

To prep for the day, I had our working machine shop intern pre-drill holes in the mousetraps. He thought I was crazy, but then came out of the shop to help in the Learning Lab. It was a nice opportunity for our intern to be a leader with a group.

While the kids were really excited about making these cars, I was really happy that I had chosen this activity for families and not for an after-school project.  The mousetraps really snapped. Nobody was hurt, but the potential was certainly there.

For our next Simple Machines Maker Day, we made balloon cars.  These were much easier (and safer) to make and, in the end, more satisfying for the kids because they didn't need much help.  In fact, this project went so well, that I offered it to some summer camp groups. I had everyone bring a water bottle which made the prep much easier (and a little cheaper).

These worked so well that sometimes the parents had a hard time letting the kids try it!

These activities, along with a few other car builds, are pinned on our Pinterest Cars Board.